Born2free is a place to share my journey with you. Journey to being me after all of life’s challenges. Discovering things already known. Taking inventory of what is good and being grateful in all things.

This blogsite is for all who are looking for freedom to be who God created them to be. We focus on recovery from trauma and healing from it’s effects. We will share tips along the way.

It is my hopes that throughout my journey I can aid you in finding your way to be freely you. Freedom is about expression of gifts and talents that God has given you. So you will see some of what God has given me to share with you. Welcome to the Journey! You can reach a place of freedom you were created for. You were Born2BeFree and therefore Born2free. 🐝💕

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Photo credit: Glavind Strachan Photography, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons