Poetry born2befree, born2free, committed, Godalone, radicalforchrist, savedbygrace, sinner, throughfaith

What if I am: a RadiCal for Jesus Christ?

A Poem by Me Andrea Born2free

What if I am aRadiCal for Christ? What if I have committed every SiN, and some of them, WiLLingly Twice!! What if I cHANGed my mind on an issue given ill researched advice

What if I in mY siN, that DiD not change me? What iF i exPerienEd TramA, at A sadistic mAn’s PleaSurE? What if I MurdereD an unborn cHilD?

What if I deciDeD to change today? What if you didn’t understand the way? What iF you Get lost showing others a WaY?

What if HE decided that YoU shOuld StaY? What if you wAnteD to leave but iT waSn’t an oPtioN? What if the greatest Joy you’d give, wAs GivInG yOur cHild up, for AdoPtioN?

WhaT if The wORld was not ready to rECiEVe your KiNd? WhAt if you where sO RadIcaL, they FeLt left behind? What IF they did not understand, would you change your mind?

What if I playEd the HarLot in a scene or two? What if I destroyEd Hearts, and blaMed it on you? What if I looked in the Well when HE CaME and I saw me?

What if My pUnishmEnt was just, but my accusers were guilty? What if He wrote iN the sAnd fOr me, and not you? What if my box was pRiCeLess, when iT was GiVen?

What if life was not about everything you knew? What iF you knew nothing, ha hA your MoDesty :)? What if that was considered vanity too?

What iF eVerThIng you thoughT wAs right, was WRong? :/ What if all that mattered was your Joy? WHat if that was the key to hEalth and LiFe?

What if eVery siN was reCorDed in a bOok? WhAt if at thE tiMe yOu oNLy gOt oNe lOok? WhAt if, whEn YoU slAmmEd iT dOwn tHe wHole eArTh sHoOk?

WhaT if all HiddeN things wErE eXpoSed? WHat if a single gesture would eRase? What if tHat was SimPly all it toOk or all iT taKes?

WHAT IF I AM A RADICAL FOR CHRIST? WhAt if th GrEatEst thinG to me was GiViNG my LIFE?

You decode what matters in life (your strength, your knowledge, your wealth, your strife, your shame, your pity, your hurt, your present, your past, your name, your possessions, your wisdom, your heritage, your wittiness, your ability to read other people’s rights, your ability to prey and to consume, your beauty, your space, your very seat in a room) as for ME; I gave it all up I AM A RADICAL, AND I CHOOSE CHRIST.