Wholeness is more appealing to me than my pride, emotions, logic, or reasoning.
A Poem by Me Andrea Born2free
Part of me wants to play the victim and the other part just wants to be whole. The latter takes ownership and an action based response. I choose the latter.
I am to believe that when one supports and other, others then are compelled to support. But if one will not for whatever reason extend the arm of support, others begin to doubt that there is or ever was a reason within themselves to extend support.
Want to talk about what could happen and not what might happen.
Part of why I’m here today is because you listened to me. Not because you had the perfect answer or that you said the right thing … because you decided I was worthy of an audience, I am here. Because you decided that my words were worth listening to.
Part of why I am here is because you decided that my opinion did not matter. Part of why I am here is because your words did not match your actions. Part of why I am here is because I allowed you to be there.
The only reason why I am here because You love me. Part of why I am here is because I love You. The only reason that I am here is because You gave Your life for me. Part of why I am here is because I want to give my life to You.